Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Celebrating a dream.

Last Thursday, the FIFA committee announced something that many thought was just a dream- Qatar won the rights to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup!

As a resident of Qatar, I have been a victim of the marketing campaign that has plastered the country with posters, billboards, car stickers, and soccer balls over the last year. Since I have arrived, the slogan ‘Expect Amazing’ (the marketing phrase for Qatar’s bid) has been engraved in my mind. If you check out the bid, you will agree, Qatar is promising an ‘amazing’ event. Their website: http://www.qatar2022bid.com/
Though their promise was like a dream, many of us felt that Qatar would not be chosen because of one key factor- the summer heat. How will the players survive games in the 130 degrees F summer? Well, air-conditioned stadiums of course. Last Thursday, the citizens of Qatar waited anxiously for the evening announcement. Crowds gathered in the main souq, the bay area, and around the Khalifa stadium. I was sitting in my apartment with the windows open when I heard it- an explosion of car horns and voices. I knew immediately that Qatar had won the bid and the 2022 World Cup will be a significant part of Arab history. It will be the first World Cup to be hosted in a Muslim, Middle Eastern, and Arab country.

 Maybe you’re curious as to how the Arabs celebrate without that beverage that we all know and love. Do not worry, they celebrate plenty without it. Immediately after the announcement, cars flooded the bay area of the capital city, Doha. Qatari nationals were standing on the tops of their cars and shooting silly string as they paraded through the city. Small fireworks were being set off from every 1 out of 3 vehicles. Horns blowing, loud cheering, tears of happieness, and flags flying started at 6:30pm and lasted for the next three days.

Almost one week after the announcement, citizens across the country have plastered their cars with pictures of the Emir holding the FIFA bid award. Some have even spray painted their cars with ‘Qatar 2022’. I don’t have to tell you that this is a HUGE deal here. I have never seen the people of Qatar so happy and full of excitement…but then again I have never been here for Qatar National Day, which is coming up very soon. 

 I am happy for Qatar. I don’t plan on staying here until 2022, but I would love to come back and see the result of this promise of 50 billion dollars to create the most amazing World Cup ever.

Qatar 2022.

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