Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shisha, for the socially elite.

Do you remember the caterpillar in Alice & Wonderland?  Ever wonder what that chubby blue creature was puffing on?  Shisha.  Also known as, hookah, hubbly bubbly, nargeela...It is also one of the most common social activities in the Arab world.  Shisha, which comes from a Persian word meaning 'glass' is the commonly used term in coutries around the Persian Gulf, including Qatar and Egypt.

In Qatar, smoking shisha is very popular and is done by the in many public places.  It is relaxing and a great way to enjoy time with friends and family, while simply watching the world pass by. 

The pipe or apparatus that is used during this activity is known locally as the shisha.  Shisha's can range from very plain and simple to vases decorated with gold and diamonds.  The bottom of the device usually has a glass vase, to be filled with water, and then a metal piece at the top that hooks to a long pipe with a mouthpiece.  This allows for the smoke to be filtered through the water before it is inhaled.  The pipe is usually long and flexible so that it can reach further distances.  At the top of the metal piece, the tobacco is placed in a small clay bowl with filter holes in the bottom of it and covered in aluminum foil.  Hot coals are then placed on top of the punctured foil and 'start the fire' to the whole process.  Confused yet?  Take a look at the picture below to see what I am talking about.
 Many restaurants and coffee shops in Arab countries offer shisha.  In Qatar, the Souq Waqif is one of the most popular places to gather as a group and smoke shisha.  As you walk through the winding cobblestone path in the souq, you will see people sitting at tables all along the sides smoking shisha, laughing, and spending time with friends.  I really enjoy the smell that comes from the burning shisha.  To me, its a reminder of where I am and the history of the country.  Smoking shisha has been a common past time in the Arab world for centuries and it still exist today.

There are also many different flavors of shisha to choose from- grape, strawberry, apple, mint, melon, coffee, watermelon, I have even seen Red Bull flavored shisha.  I would say that grape is the most popular among all of the flavors. 

I have discovered a shisha shop in Qatar that allows you to pick every piece that makes up the device. Color, size, material- they have it all.  I've been thinking about it for a while and last week, I finally went and bought one for myself.  My very own shisha.  It has a black porcelain bottom and a gunmetal gray steel top with a fancy deep red & leather pipe.  I must say, its very posh. I don't plan on smoking it regularly, but it is nice on special occasions.  I think it also makes a nice piece of decoration- don't judge me.

So when in Rome, I mean Qatar, why not do as the Qataris do? Try a shisha.

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