Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dates, the new black

Before coming here, I had always heard about dates being a Middle Eastern treat.  I would think to myself ‘what is so special about a date?  It’s just like a dried plum but not.’  Same, same, but different.  Ya?  Ok, sorry for the Indian joke.

In the US, I only had one way that I would eat dates….stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon- the American way.  Because we all know everything is better wrapped in bacon.  A few weeks after arriving, I began trying these Middle Eastern treats just plain, no cheese, no bacon. Fresh.

...mmm….Spectacular….better than chocolate….

Seriously, these dates are the new black.  Everywhere you go in the Middle East, there is some sort of date pastry or fresh dates.  Quality, nice dates are considered an essential luxury, if that makes sense.  My favorite place to buy gourmet dates is this store called Bateel. (http://www.bateel.ae/products-dates-fresh.html)  They are a global company, but their dates are fantastic.  Chocolate covered dates, dates with candied walnuts and pecans inside, almond filled dates, look at the website.  However, my favorite dates are the lighter colored dates.  They taste just like caramel and are a nice treat after a salty meal.  I have a big sweet tooth and usually eat a chocolate after a meal- but over the past few months dates have become the replacement.  And they are oh-so good.  Soft and chewy- mother nature’s candy.

I have even achieved the skill level of placing the whole date in my mouth and being able to eat the ‘meat’, while pushing the seed the other side and then spitting it out.  Raw talent I tell ya. 

I also enjoy date filled cookies- ma’amouls.  The outer crust is a shortbread mixture and the inner is pureed dates.  It’s an acquired taste I believe, some think it is too bland, but for me it’s perfect.  Not too sweet and melts in your mouth.  My favorite brand is made in Saudi Arabia, but sold in grocery stores across the Middle East.  I stock up every time I see them.

So yes, dates are the new black.  Who wants me to bring them dates home?  Place your orders now.


  1. Yes, please! I am craving dates now like crazy. And apparently I can only get the authentically delicious kind halfway across the world. Thanks, Sarah. Thanks. ;)

  2. Hahaha... I don't know if I believe you Sarah... :) They look kinda gross. Gooo... I guess I will have to try it before I knock it.
