Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lifestyles of the Rich and the Qatari: First Edition

One’s first impression of Qatar is a country that is a just tiny dot on the map bordered by the Persian Gulf.  When you look a little closer, you will see a country rich in oil and gas with one of the highest GDP per capita in the world and home to some of the most elaborate lifestyles one has ever witnessed- even Robin Leach would be shocked. 

(Disclaimer:  I am not saying the Qataris are bad people, I am simply describing the lifestyles that I have witnessed since arriving in the country.  I am titling this entry as ‘First Edition’ because I am sure, as the time passes, I will learn more and want to add to this section.)

There are around 1.6 million people living in this country and less than 20% of these are Qataris. The majority of the population is made up of ex-pats.

Oh, to be a Qatari.  One of the fabulous 20%.

Qatari people are paid by the government simply for being Qatari.  It’s kind of like your dad giving you a weekly allowance for behaving when you were a child.  Only this allowance is substantially larger and given to adults.  This large allowance allows the native people to live without a job, buy whatever they want, and live life with little responsibility and worry-free.  Their credit card debts are also paid by the government which allows them to make large purchases without hesitation.  This allowance also enables the people to live in very nice mansion-size houses, drive the most expensive cars, decorate themselves in diamonds, and wear only designer clothes underneath their black and white robes.

Being Qatari also gives you rights.  You have the right to:
  • Have at least one live-in maid
  • Drive as fast as you want to without obeying any speed limit
  • Flash your headlights at anyone in your way until they move out of your way
  • Pull up to any restaurant or shop, honk your horn and the employees will come outside to you and take your order/show you their products.  You can then order while sitting in your over air-conditioned SUV, receive your order, and then throw your trash on the ground and drive away.  Do not worry, the employees will pick up your trash.
  • Talk down to any nationality that you feel is inferior to yours by not allowing them to stand in groups larger than three or denying them entry into malls.  If they are sitting in a chair that you want to sit in, just wave your hand and they will get up.
  • Have a special plush section for sitting, drinking coffee, and smoking most everywhere you go.
  • Never be at fault in any car accident.
  • Always be right. 
It’s quite nice to be Qatari.  Living the dream, right?  No worries, no responsibilities, and money is just like monopoly money.  It’s not real.

Robin Leach, please come to visit.


  1. Ahhhh Champagne wishes and Caviar dreams…. It’s all a Mirage in the Desert!

    I wouldn’t trade my Freedom for all the oil, diamonds and mansions in Qatar!

    Cue the music… “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free”

    Don’t get your head turned… keep those NC feet firmly planted in the sand!

  2. Sounds pretty familiar. Hope you don't ever have to get up for one of them! I am going to guess they have never held the door open for you either?
