Monday, February 1, 2010

Uneasy Arrival

Marhabba! (which means hello, hi, welcome in arabic) I have never kept a blog before, but what better way to start than when moving to a new country. 

I arrived in Doha, Qatar last Thursday morning at 1am.  This arrival was preceeded by just a few small disasters including: 
  • Having an emotional breakdown while trying to fit as much as possible into only three suitcases and a carry-on. 
  • Almost missing my flight out of Raleigh, NC because I was too stressed to realize that 20:30 is indeed 8:30pm and not 10:30pm.  Luckily, they held the plane for me as I arrived at the airport at 8:00pm.
  • Losing one of the three suitcases during a lay over in the London airport and learning this after I had already arrived in Doha.
  • The driver that had been arranged to pick me up forgetting that he was to be at the airport at 1am on Thursday morning and so I was forced to get a sketchy cab from the shadows of the Doha airport.
As small as these may seem to you, they were big to me as I arrived in an Arabic country as a young, single American woman leaving my friends and family behind and not knowing what was ahead.

After arriving to my hotel (home for the next 4 1/2 months), I was unable to sleep because there was too much adrenlaline running through my body.  At this point, I had no way of calling home to announce my arrival and that made me feel even more alone in a strange world.  Before I knew it, 6am arrived and I was showering and getting ready for my first day at my new job in Doha, Qatar.  

It has now been about a week since my arrival.  I've had many things to keep me busy between signing paperwork, getting medical exams, having my eyes tested, deciding where to bank, unpacking, learning the details of my new role, trying to meet new people, swallowing my homesickness and just getting adjusted to Qatari culture- there has not been much time to rest.

I can already tell this is going to be an interesting and quite challenging experience.

1 comment:

  1. Hate that you had so many speedbumps, but glad you made it safely ... looking forward to your next update!
